Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poder Curativo de la Mente or Eat Right for Your Metabolism

Poder Curativo de la Mente: Tecnicas Practicas Para Gozar de Buena Salud Y Aumentar El Poder Mental

Author: Rolf Alexander

El pder curativo de la mente

El desaparecido doctor Rolf Alexander estudió en Viena, Heidelberg y Londres, y durante varios años practicó la medicina en la Clínica Mayo.  Se dido perfecta cuenta de los límites de la medicina moderna y recorrió el mundo investigando las antiguas técnicas universales de curación. 

Este libro se basa en más de treinta años de investigaciones y observaciones de diversas culturas, especialmente la tibetana y la de la India, que el doctor Alexander transmite con perspicacia y con sentido espiritual y práctico, proporcionando además, consejos sobre la verdadera naturaleza del proceso curativo.

Mucho antes de que el libro de Bernard Seigel, Love, Medicine and Miracles, hiciera consciente al público de la relación que existe entre el cuerpo y la mente, el doctor Alexander ya había explorado la capacidad de poner en marcha la fuerza vital que reside dentro de todos nosotros.  El poder curativo de la mente nos enseña que la imaginación, el deseo, el poder de la sugestión, la influencia psíquica y la eliminación de las limitaciones, son herramientras valiosas para aumentar al máximo nuestra capacidad innata de autocuración.

El poder curativo de la mente tiene una enorme relevancia para comprender los malestares que aquejan a la sociedad de hoy.  La autenticidad de este texto clásico ha sido avalada por miles de pacientes que han encontrado el camino de la salud gracias a los sencillos ejercicios y prácticas curativas que recomienda.


Aformer physician at the Mayo clinic, Dr. Rolf Alexander became disenchanted with the limits of modern medicine and traveled around the world in search of healing techniques from other cultures.

Book about: For Love of Politics or Berlin Wall

Eat Right for Your Metabolism: How the Right Foods for Your Type Can Help You Lose Weight

Author: Felicia Drury Kliment

An easy-to-follow, customizable diet based on metabolic type that helps you get rid of excess fat and enjoy a healthy life

A diet that produces amazing results for someone else may fail miserably for you. Why? Researcher and nutritional consultant Felicia Drury Kliment explains that since people have different metabolic types, eating the wrong foods can lead to poor digestion, which causes weight gain and ill health. In Eat Right for Your Metabolism, you'll learn how to determine your metabolism type and customize a diet that helps you meet your goals for weight loss and long-lasting health.

Felicia Drury Kliment is a nutritional consultant in private practice and the author of the acclaimed book The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet. Visit her website at

Publishers Weekly

Kliment (The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet) expands on her previous work to further pinpoint how the body's acid-alkaline balance, as well as issues regarding digestion, can disrupt metabolism, cause weight gain and initiate a series of other health concerns. The author purports that there are three main metabolism types-meat eaters, grain eaters and those with balanced metabolism-and that all can benefit from eating the right foods. To support her theories, Kliment cobbles together a mass of frequently unrelated medical studies, drawing conclusions about what they mean. In one instance, she links teens who drink milk, a theory that milk causes a growth spurt which in turn releases a growth hormone, and published medical research showing that taller people are at risk for certain cancers, to conclude that teens who drink milk are increasing their risk of cancer. In another instance, she suggests that eating cooked foods raises levels of stress hormones, "causing the body to produce more nutrients than it needs" which leads to "unwanted pounds." In addition to such examples, Kliment gives 26 recipes and a list of seven-day eating plans. Although her suggestions may resonate with some, in general, the book lacks cohesion, and its examples are too scattered to make real sense. (May) Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

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