Saturday, February 21, 2009

Take Charge of Your Diabetes or Ten Natural Ways to a Good Nights Sleep

Take Charge of Your Diabetes: A Revolutionary Plan for Reversing Your Symptoms and Preventing Complications of Both Type I and Type II Diabetes

Author: Sarfraz Zaidi

Though not all physicians are aware of the scientific advances that prove it, most diabetics can now avoid insulin injections and prevent or reverse the deadly complications of their disease. The key is treating the root problem-insulin resistance-instead of focusing on controlling blood sugar levels, an outdated practice that puts patients at greater risk for heart attack and stroke. Take Charge of Your Diabetes showcases the unique plan Dr. Zaidi has developed in treating thousands of cases of Type 1 and Type 2 successfully. Dramatically different from traditional treatment protocols, the program includes an easy-to-follow diet, a moderate exercise and stress-reduction plan, vitamin and supplement recommendations, and a prescription medication regimen that reduces the number of medications as time goes on instead of the traditional treatment model: stepping up doses as diabetes progresses.

See also: Anlagengebäude & Gemeinschaftsentwicklung

Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's Sleep

Author: Nikos Linardakis

Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's s l e e p

Did you know that sleep is more critical in predicting lifetime longevity than diet, exercise, or heredity? Researchers have found that skipping sleep impairs your body's ability to repair and rebuild tissue, making you old before your time. Despite this, we live in a sleep-deprived culture. Many of us are so busy rushing, hurrying, pushing, and worrying that we cannot "waste time" sleeping, and if we do find the time to sleep, we are too stressed out, over-caffeinated, and uncomfortable. We would love to experience satisfying sleep but find that it consistently eludes us.
In Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's Sleep, you will discover simple, natural solutions for achieving a lifetime of healthy sleep. By making small changes in lifestyle, diet, and patterns of thinking, you can bridge the gap between stressful and healthy living.

Jacket design by Robert A. Yerks Sterling Hill Productions

Dr. Nikos Linardakis is a sleep expert who has been featured on the Discovery Channel and CNN, as well as various programs on ABC and NBC. He writes a monthly column for Sleep and Health Journal, and is the author of several books that serve as exam guides for medical students nationwide. He is founder and CEO of Tharos Laboratories, based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Carli Dixon is a writer and editor specializing in health and wellness topics, including stress and change management, positive aging, and innovative health technologies.

Table of Contents:

Preface vi

Introduction xi

Chapter One

Creating a Serene Sleep Environment 1

Chapter Two

Undoing Your Stress 11

Chapter Three

Improving Daytime Performance:

Overcoming Jet Lag and Shift Work 29

Chapter Four

Relaxing the Body, Mind, and Soul 41

Chapter Five

Eating Right for Better Sleep 49

Chapter Six

Using Gender-Specific Techniques for Sleep 65

Chapter Seven

Caring for Children, the Elderly, and Special Needs 75

Chapter Eight

Understanding Pets and Sleep 89

Chapter Nine

Using Natural Supplements and Nutrition 95

Chapter Ten

Developing the New You 109

Index 129

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