Saturday, February 21, 2009

Take Charge of Your Diabetes or Ten Natural Ways to a Good Nights Sleep

Take Charge of Your Diabetes: A Revolutionary Plan for Reversing Your Symptoms and Preventing Complications of Both Type I and Type II Diabetes

Author: Sarfraz Zaidi

Though not all physicians are aware of the scientific advances that prove it, most diabetics can now avoid insulin injections and prevent or reverse the deadly complications of their disease. The key is treating the root problem-insulin resistance-instead of focusing on controlling blood sugar levels, an outdated practice that puts patients at greater risk for heart attack and stroke. Take Charge of Your Diabetes showcases the unique plan Dr. Zaidi has developed in treating thousands of cases of Type 1 and Type 2 successfully. Dramatically different from traditional treatment protocols, the program includes an easy-to-follow diet, a moderate exercise and stress-reduction plan, vitamin and supplement recommendations, and a prescription medication regimen that reduces the number of medications as time goes on instead of the traditional treatment model: stepping up doses as diabetes progresses.

See also: Anlagengebäude & Gemeinschaftsentwicklung

Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's Sleep

Author: Nikos Linardakis

Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's s l e e p

Did you know that sleep is more critical in predicting lifetime longevity than diet, exercise, or heredity? Researchers have found that skipping sleep impairs your body's ability to repair and rebuild tissue, making you old before your time. Despite this, we live in a sleep-deprived culture. Many of us are so busy rushing, hurrying, pushing, and worrying that we cannot "waste time" sleeping, and if we do find the time to sleep, we are too stressed out, over-caffeinated, and uncomfortable. We would love to experience satisfying sleep but find that it consistently eludes us.
In Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's Sleep, you will discover simple, natural solutions for achieving a lifetime of healthy sleep. By making small changes in lifestyle, diet, and patterns of thinking, you can bridge the gap between stressful and healthy living.

Jacket design by Robert A. Yerks Sterling Hill Productions

Dr. Nikos Linardakis is a sleep expert who has been featured on the Discovery Channel and CNN, as well as various programs on ABC and NBC. He writes a monthly column for Sleep and Health Journal, and is the author of several books that serve as exam guides for medical students nationwide. He is founder and CEO of Tharos Laboratories, based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Carli Dixon is a writer and editor specializing in health and wellness topics, including stress and change management, positive aging, and innovative health technologies.

Table of Contents:

Preface vi

Introduction xi

Chapter One

Creating a Serene Sleep Environment 1

Chapter Two

Undoing Your Stress 11

Chapter Three

Improving Daytime Performance:

Overcoming Jet Lag and Shift Work 29

Chapter Four

Relaxing the Body, Mind, and Soul 41

Chapter Five

Eating Right for Better Sleep 49

Chapter Six

Using Gender-Specific Techniques for Sleep 65

Chapter Seven

Caring for Children, the Elderly, and Special Needs 75

Chapter Eight

Understanding Pets and Sleep 89

Chapter Nine

Using Natural Supplements and Nutrition 95

Chapter Ten

Developing the New You 109

Index 129

Friday, February 20, 2009

San Francisco Running Guide or To Be Healed by the Earth

San Francisco Running Guide

Author: Bob Cooper

Experience the best of the Bay Area in your running shoes. This handy guide features 35 of the most scenic and challenging running routes and 10 of the top races-from 5Ks to marathons-in San Francisco and the surrounding area. For each route and race course, you'll find directions to the starting point, a detailed map, and lots of additional information to help you get the most out of your runs.

About the Author:
Bob Cooper is a Bay Area native who started running in 1969. His first national magazine article was published in Runner's World four years later, and his articles on running and other fitness sports have been appearing ever since. Magazines that have published features by Bob include American Health, Fitness, Forbes FYI, Condй Nast Sports for Women, Healthy Kids, Longevity, Men's Fitness, Men's Health, Men's Journal, Runner's World, Shape, Triathlete, and Women's Sports and Fitness.

Bob was the executive editor of Running Times from 1990 to 1992 before he became a full-time freelance writer. He has published one previous book, The Valley At Your Feet: 50 Walking, Running and Racing Courses in the Sacramento Valley.

Bob's running achievements are also substantial. He is probably the only person to have participated in relay runs from the Pacific to the Atlantic (1973) and from Mexico to Canada (1983). His 50-mile time of 5 hours and 42 minutes ranked seventh in the United States in 1977, and he has run seven sub-2:30 marathons.

Top finishes include the Silver State Marathon (1st), Tucson Marathon (2nd), American River 50-Mile (2nd), San Francisco Marathon (3rd), and National 50-Mile Championships (4th). Since turning 40 in 1994, Bob has wonnumerous masters titles at Bay Area road races.

Bob lives in San Anselmo (Marin County) with his wife, Lisa, and two children, Brendan and Kira.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. San Francisco

Downtown Bay Run
Bay to Golden Gate Bridge
Presidio Hills
Lands End and Baker Beach
Upper Golden Gate Park
Lower Golden Gate Park
Ocean Beach and Dunes
Lake Merced Loop

Chapter 2. North Bay

Marin Headlands
Tiburon Shoreline
Tennessee Valley and Beach
Mt. Tamalpais Trails-South
Mt. Tamalpais Trails-North
Mt. Tamalpais Trails-West
China Camp State Park
Point Reyes National Seashore
Angel Island Loop

Chapter 3. East Bay

Berkeley Marina
Alameda Shoreline
Lake Merritt
Strawberry Canyon
Inspiration Point
Redwood Regional Park
Lafayette-Moraga Path
Lake Chabot
Coyote Hills Park

Chapter 4. South Bay

Mid-Peninsula Baylands
Sawyer Camp Reservoir Run
Woodside Country Roads
Huddart Redwoods
Stanford Hills
Rancho San Antonio
Los Gatos Creek
Coyote Creek Park
Sanborn-Skyline Park

Chapter 5. Bay Area Races

Sutter Home-Napa Valley Marathon
Houlihan's to Houlihan's 12K
Mercury News 10K
Big Sur International Marathon
Examiner-Bay to Breakers 12K
Dipsea Trail Race
San Francisco Marathon
Wharf to Wharf 10K
Primo's Run for Education
Run to the Far Side 5K and 10K

See also: International Human Resource Management or Bringing Geographical Information Systems into Business

To Be Healed by the Earth

Author: Warren Grossman

"An exquisite treasure of a book, designed to be read again and again. Don't be deceived by the apparent simplicity of this volume-it offers profound wisdom and guidance."-Belleruth Naparstek, author of Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition and creator of the Health Journeys guided imagery series

"To Be Healed by the Earth is a poignant and sensitive reminder that humanity's inherent gift is the ability to draw love from the heart of our Mother Earth. The exercises offered by Grossman gently guide us in accessing this loving energy, encouraging us to heal ourselves and others."-Nischala Joy Devi, internationally renowned yoga teacher and author of The Yoga Path to Healing Heart & Soul

Warren Grossman interweaves his expertise as a psychologist with his natural gift for healing in this tranquil, generous acknowledgement that physical strength and emotional well-being are possible to grasp simply by reconnecting with the earth. Grossman's words are elegantly paced with beautiful illustrations that anchor his message: Nature and love are the keys to good health.

The inspiring second edition of this guide to drawing energy from the earth is updated with new material that teaches a unique approach to forging essential bonds with the natural world during an age when nature's importance to human life is so often ignored.Â

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Midlife Madness or Menopause or Cancer Prevention Cooking

Midlife, Madness, or Menopause: Does Anyone Know What's Normal

Author: Patricia J Richter

A Complete and Comforting Guide on What Your Mother Never Told You About Menopause. Going beyond the television talk shows and tabloids, here’s real help through the maze of information women are hit with as they enter midlife—somewhere between ages 35 and 60. Told from the point of view of a friend who’s been there, Midlife, Madness, or Menopause provides simple, practical guidelines as to what you might expect and what you can do to help yourself as your body begins to change. Written by a woman who has gone through menopause and corroborated by a distinguished physician and woman’s health advocate, this book explores the changes women face around the time of menopause—drawing on questions and concerns gathered from hundreds of women who have experienced it. This indispensable book will give you:

  • Up-to-the-minute guidelines on hormone replacement therapy.
  • Down-to-earth personal stories.
  • Clear explanations for the changes taking place in your body.
  • The latest facts on medical procedures, such as hysterectomy, dilation and curettage, endometrial ablation, and bladder reconstruction.
  • Tools to detect more than 70 common signs of hormonal change.
  • The latest information on alternative therapy as well as time-honored traditional treatments.
Designed to dispel fears and debunk myths, this guide is filled with humorous "Moments of Madness" and a positive, personal approach for managing your own health—mental and physical.

Books about: Éthique D'affaires :Partie prenante et Approche de Direction d'Éditions

Cancer Prevention Cooking: Over 50 Healthy and Revitalizing Recipes to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Author: Beatrice Heywood Taylor

This book has been compiled to help change eating patterns for the better. It combines tasty and energizing recipes with essential information on the impact of diet on cancer.

Table of Contents:
Eating for Health8
The Right Foods to Eat10
"Live" and Raw Foods16
The Healthy Store Cupboard18
A Healthier Lifestyle21
Soups and Starters22
Fish Dishes32
Meat and Poultry42
Pasta, Pulses and Grains52
Vegetables and Salads64
Desserts, Breads and Bakes80
Information File95

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fitness Instructors Handbook or Heart Attack

Fitness Instructor's Handbook: A Professional's Complete Guide to Health and Fitness

Author: Morc Coulson

The Fitness Instructor's Handbook is an invaluable practical resource for individuals working in, or wishing to enter, the fitness industry. This book is the perfect reference for novice trainers as well as established ones looking for new ideas or a quick refresher on the basics.

Offering the perfect blend of theory and practice on every aspect of health and fitness, The Fitness Instructor's Handbook features:

  • Cover-to-cover case studies, checklists, sample programs and illustrations
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Core stability, including exercises
  • Components and principles of fitness
  • Safety and injuries
  • Screening clients and risk assessment
  • Planning and program design
  • Exercise evaluation

Book review: Relations publiques :une Approche conduite des Valeurs

Heart Attack

Author: Curtis Mark Rimmerman

There is no other medical center more qualified to write a book on this subject. The Cleveland Clinic Heart Center has been selected as the best Heart Center in America, according to U.S. News & World Report's annual survey for the past 11 years. Our doctors are leaders in cardiology, cardiac surgery, cardiothoracic anesthesia, and research into the heart and its diseases. No heart program has more experience, more knowledge and better access to technology. As medical pioneers, The Clinic developed cardiac angiography and the coronary artery bypass. Told through case histories, and fully illustrated, this guide --written by heart specialists who understand what the patients are going through -- addresses the myths associated with heart disease.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Four Yogas or The Baby Boomer Body Book

The Four Yogas: A Guide to the Spiritual Paths of Action, Devotion, Meditation and Knowledge

Author: Swami Nikhilananda

The philosophy of Yoga tells us that the root cause of our sorrows and suffering is loss of contact with our true Self. Our recovery is only possible by reestablishing contact with our innermost Self, the Reality of all realities, and by recognizing that knowledge of Self is our salvation.

In this comprehensive guide, Swami Adiswarananda introduces the four spiritual paths of yoga—Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Raja-Yoga and Jnana-Yoga—and what you can expect as an aspirant on each path. Covering the message and practice of each of the yogas as well as philosophy and psychology, preparatory practices, common obstacles and ways to overcome them, this accessible book will prove invaluable to anyone wishing to follow a yoga practice in order to realize the goal of Self-knowledge.

Publishers Weekly

In America, Yoga is primarily understood as a series of physical exercises. But in this book, Adiswarananda, a monk who follows the influential 19th-century guru Ramakrishna and teaches in New York City, unpacks with clarity the spiritual systems of Yoga. A Hindu philosophy, Yoga is intended to bring about union with God. Within Yoga are differences in understanding and practice, so Yoga encompasses diverse ideas and ways. The author systematically examines the four types of Yoga referred to in the title, using the same organizing concepts (philosophy, psychology, practices, obstacles) so that differences and similarities among the paths can be clarified, even about such heady topics as "ultimate reality." Along the way a good deal of the Hindu understanding of God and human nature is translated, literally and figuratively, into Western-friendly ideas and terms. ("Meditation is not relaxation, as is often thought nowadays.") Sanskrit terms are explained in a glossary. Characteristic of explanations of philosophy, the text tends toward lecture-like dryness, even while clear. A guidebook rather than a how-to, this would make a good reference for students of Eastern spirituality. (Mar.) Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

New interesting book: The Machiavellian Moment or War and Peace in the Middle East

The Baby Boomer Body Book: The Complete Health Reference for Our Generation

Author: Brian Peck

As a baby boomer, you’ve lived through the Cold War, Civil Rights, the sexual revolution, Vietnam, Watergate, disco, punk, new wave and the Internet. Now you’re experiencing your biggest challenge yet-middle age. A boomer himself, Dr. Brian Peck offers the most up-to-date information on mid-age medicine, including its diagnostic procedures and approaches to common conditions and treatments. He has collaborated with 12 medical specialists in their respective fields to round out this comprehensive, one-stop resource.

The Baby Boomer Body Book’s 33 chapters are divided into “Problems Common to Men and Women,” “Women’s Issues,” “Men’s Issues,” and “Baby Boomers Preparing for the Future.” A compendium of reliable, accessible information, Dr. Peck’s book is also filled with dozens of lively case histories of real-life medical problems baby boomers have encountered and how they were solved.

“Dr. Peck has produced a volume for us. It is readable yet comprehensive and informative. Its tone makes you feel like you are in his office, across the consultation desk, getting firsthand advice based on more than twenty years of experience and knowledge. The Baby Boomer Body Book occupies a prominent place in my library.”
-Steven R. Goldstein, M.D.
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
NYU School of Medicine

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chronic Pain or Nutritional Counseling for Lifestyle Change

Chronic Pain: A Primary Care Guide to Practical Management

Author: Dawn Marcus

Comprehensive and case-oriented, Chronic Pain: A Primary Care Guide to Practical Management offers busy healthcare providers a practice-friendly approach to assessing and managing the often complex and time-consuming problems of chronic pain.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Sally Ling, M.D. (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine)
Description: This is a readable and useful book for primary care physicians in the evaluation and treatment of chronic pain. Key chapter points and CME questions at the end of each chapter facilitate participation in a CME program for category 1 credit.
Purpose: The book provides evidence-based approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain conditions in a primary care population. Since a significant number of primary care office visits are pain related, a book focused upon these conditions is desirable.
Audience: This book is targeted at primary care physicians. Pain syndromes in adults, the elderly and pediatric populations are all covered.
Features: The chapters begin with an illustrative case. Key learning points are outlined. The subsequent discussion contains ample charts, illustrations, and clinical work sheets for patients and clinicians that can be duplicated from the book.
Assessment: This is a well written and illustrated book containing many tools that will help clinicians provide better care for their chronic pain patients.


4 Stars! from Doody

New interesting book: In einer Prozession gehende Mineraltechnologie: Eine Einführung in die Praktischen Aspekte der Erzbehandlung und Mineralwiederherstellung

Nutritional Counseling for Lifestyle Change

Author: Linda Snetselaar

With all of the information available why do patients still have difficulty sticking to their diets? Nutritional Counseling for Lifestyle Change provides clinicians with easy-to-follow instructions on how to change dietary behavior. The book uses examples from work completed in actual patient settings and emphasizes why a strategy works and what may have happened when it is not successful. Using science-based predictors of behavior change, it focuses on the concept of "tailoring" for individuals and shows how to achieve it. The book also discusses exercise and stress reduction and covers organizational skills necessary to implement lifestyle change.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Quantum Medicine or Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and Their CO Products

Quantum Medicine: A Guide to the New Medicine of the 21st Century

Author: Paul Yanick

Over the course of the twentieth century, countless advances in medical technologies and healing modalities have pointed to or substantiated the existence of a cohesive, energetic system -- the Quantum Energy Field, or QEF -- that regulates all systems of the human body and determines our state of health. Long the basis of Eastern medicine (where it is known as chi or qi), quantum energy is just gaining recognition from Western healing practitioners. Quantum Medicine is the new medicine of the 21st Century. Composed of biophotons, a strong, organized QEF results in the overall wellness of an individual: organs perform optimally, producing needed hormones and facilitating their flow throughout the body. But inferior, artificial, irradiated, or contaminated foods -- as well as excessively acid foods -- can cause biophotonic disarray, and weaken the QEF's cohesiveness. Environmental pollutants can cause toxicity, which further erodes health, and in a weakened condition, the body's immune system can falter, allowing disease to take hold. Imbalances in hormone production and distribution can result in illness, weight gain, and sexual or reproductive dysfunction. In Quantum Medicine: A Guide to the New Medicine of the 21st Century, Dr. Paul Yanick alerts readers to hidden health dangers in the home and environment, explains the importance of detoxifying the body, and provides a guide to choosing "beyond organic" Quantum foods that support and energize the QEF -- promoting overall good health even for those with resistant health syndromes, and slowing the aging process of both body and mind. Easy to make recipes for every meal are provided.

Table of Contents:
A Note to Readersvii
1.The Birth of Quantum Medicine7
2.The Scientific Validation of Quantum Medicine23
3.The Body's Incredible Innate Healing Powers31
4.DNA and Oxidative Stress: Healing, Aging, and Cancer37
5.pH for Health and Energy43
6.Environmental Toxins: The Dangers and How to Avoid Them55
7.Nature's Healing Foods: Phytochemicals65
8.Combating Viral Infections and Mycotoxins71
9.The Brain: Our QEF Regenerator81
10.Quantum Foods89
11.The Quantum Energy Diet111
12.Quantum Energy Recipes121
AppendixCommon Toxic Commercial Product Ingredients and Potential Health Effects153
Resources for Products and Further Information157
Recommended Reading for Keeping Your Home Nontoxic161

Interesting book: Amministrazione Consumatore-Centrica di categoria: Come aumentare i profitti dirigendo le categorie basate sul consumatore ha bisogno di

Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and Their Co-Products

Author: Fereidoon Shahidi

While certain saturated and trans fats continue to face scrutiny as health hazards, new evidence indicates that, in addition to supplying foods with flavor and texture, fats also provide us with dietary components that are absolutely critical to our well-being. The importance of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins and other minor components delivered by lipids is well known, as are the benefits and essentiality of long-chain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And now, with new research connecting lipids to heart health, mental health, and brain and retina development, the market has responded by providing health-conscious consumers with lipid foods, including spreads, breads, cereals, juices, and dairy products.

Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products presents a thorough assessment of the current state of the chemistry, nutrition, and health aspects of specialty fats and oils. Fereidoon Shahidi, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Food Lipids and a past chair and co-founder of the Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Division of the Institute of Food Technologists, brings together top researchers to address the potential application and delivery of lipids in functional foods. Sharing much of their own research, they offer an unparalleled view of the field that covers basic lipid chemistry, as well as the most progressive findings concerning the nutritional value of beneficial lipids. They include research on cereal grain, marine, fruit seed, and tree nut oils, as well as oilseed medicinals, fat replacers, and many other sources of lipids. They also consider stability issues and the latest tools being used for lipids purification.

Covering the full range of these essential diet components, this cutting-edge volume serves to meet the needs of scientists and students in research and product development, as well as health and nutrition specialists.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Essential Book of Traditional Chinese Medicine or St Johns Wort

Essential Book of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Volume 2: Clinical Practice

Author: Liu Liu Yanchi

For more than four thousand years, Chinese scholars and medical practitioners have documented ways of maintaining health and treating illness, from theories of yin-yang and the zang-fu organs to the use of herbs and acupuncture. The Essential Book of Traditional Chinese Medicine marks the first time such concepts have been made accessible to Westerners in a comprehensive form.

Times Literary Supplement

Now, for the first time, a complete account of traditional Chinese medicine. . . . Volume One is devoted to theory [founded on] the Five Elements of water, fire, wood, metal, and earth, which categorized all natural phenomena including the interaction of body organs. . . . Treatment is the subject of Volume Two, [which contains] a table covering all plants, animals, and minerals believed to have therapeutic activity.

Journal of the American Medical Association

Reflects a great deal of work not only by the author...but also by a group of ten highly proficient translators and editors on both sides of the Pacific who did a wonderful job.

Science and Technology Reference Review

[An] excellent encyclopedic handbook.

Go to: Acquired Taste or Garden of Herbs

St. John's Wort: The Miracle Medicine

Author: Alan H Pressman

In St. John's Wort: The Miracle Medicine, Dr. Pressman describes the many uses of this multi-purpose herb, from its use in the Middle Ages to treat a variety of ailments to its widespread acceptance today as an effective, proven, and safe anti-depressant and weight loss aid. The herbal cure is widely popular in Europe and it is fast gaining acceptance here in the United States.

Along with recommendations for dosages and how to best obtain its maximum benefits, this book will include specific chapters on how St. John's Wort can be used to:

  • achieve weight loss
  • treat depression
  • strengthen your immune system
  • relieve PMS
  • end insomnia

    Dr. Pressman also presents the latest information on the herb's lesser known possibilities. Believed to contain at least 50 active ingredients, St. John's Wort is being carefully analyzed for other potential applications such as in the treatment of AIDS and cancer. Offered throughout is scientific data from clinical trials that provide evidence of St. John's Wort's significant—and successful—results.

  • Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Just a Little Too Thin or The Hepatitis C SourceBook

    Just a Little Too Thin: How to Pull Your Child Back from the Brink of an Eating Disorder

    Author: Michael A Strober

    Some diets are just that-a brief episode of calorie or fat counting; they are merely attempts to lose weight for the sake of a smaller skirt size. Other diets, however, are a prelude to the kind of problem with food that has nothing to do with shape or size but rather emotional issues which, left undetected, could bring a child to the brink of a serious eating disorder. The line between one and the other is sometimes hard to determine and many girls slip over that line quickly and quietly. Outlining the findings of Dr. Michael Strober's original research--that there are three distinct stages of eating disorders--Just a Little Too Thin helps parents detect the severity of a child's weight issues and helps them steer her clear of--or maneuver herself off--a slippery slope that could lead to Anorexia Nervosa. Offering expert guidance on how to talk about weight and eating in ways that won't alienate the child in question, it also provides parents with the tools to help them cope with the emotional issues that are feeding their child's obsession with their weight. No matter where a child rests on the continuum of eating behaviors, Just a Little Too Thin is an invaluable aid for parents intent on keeping their children emotionally and physically healthy in a world of unprecedented pressures.

    Psychiatric Services

    Not only terrific for therapists, but also for parents. Offers concrete advice on what to say, look for, and do.

    Publishers Weekly

    As the title indicates, this thorough and informative guide targets teens who are teetering on the edge of a potential eating disorder, exhibiting warning signs yet still on the brink. At this delicate and precarious point, there are preventive measures concerned parents can take, which eating disorder authority Strober and psychologist Schneider clearly delineate in a user-friendly, approachable style. The dual authorship allows for not only a variety of illustrative anecdotes, but also for both the male and female perspective on body image. The book alerts parents to signs they may not have otherwise noticed, and presents a number of realistic scenarios and suggestions for parents to counter almost any situation that may arise in regard to burgeoning eating disorders. Although some of the advice may seem forced--such as initiating more conversations about "feelings"--the book's suggestions are easily adaptable. The call for more direct communication as well as a comprehensible breakdown of the various behaviors that can indicate a potential eating problem will give readers a firm grip on the issue, its dangers and ways to step in before it's too late. Agent, Carol Mann. (Sept.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

    Library Journal

    During the past decade, a plethora of books on adolescent eating disorders has been published. Strober, director of the Eating Disorders and Adolescent Mood Disorders Programs at the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, and therapist Schneider, who specializes in treating adolescents and their families, attempt to carve a new niche in this area. Their focus is the "slippery slope that leads to poor health, even if it is not a diagnosed eating disorder," and they divide this slope into three stages-innocent, exhilarated, and obsessed-spending the bulk of the book defining the warning signs and characteristics of each stage. Numerous case studies provide examples of teenage girls who are excessively weight-conscious or abnormally preoccupied with dieting. Although the authors contend that parents can be highly effective in treating potential eating disorders, they offer little substantial advice; instead, they merely suggest that parents encourage and talk to their children and, when that doesn't work, seek professional help. A much more useful selection is Marcia Herrin's The Parent's Guide to Childhood Eating Disorders, which provides specific guidelines for dealing with confronting resistance, ensuring that a child's health is not damaged, setting limits on strenuous exercise, and educating the child to make sound food choices. Not recommended.-Ilse Heidmann, Washington State Lib., Olympia Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

    Table of Contents:
    1"I need to be thinner"1
    2The media factor21
    3The role of the family43
    4The emotional undercurrent73
    5Stage one : the innocent dieter97
    6Stage two : the exhilarated dieter117
    7Stage three : the obsessed and preoccupied dieter137
    8Seeking the help of others159
    9The antidote : keeping it healthy185
    10A brief look at some relevant research205

    Interesting book: CRC Handbook of Medicinal Spices or Toasters Handbook

    The Hepatitis C SourceBook

    Author: Howard J Worman

    Since it was first discovered in 1989, millions of people have been diagnosed with hepatitis C. Unlike other strains of the disease, hepatitis C is almost always chronic, and more than four million Americans have been diagnosed as chronic cases. The Hepatitis C Sourcebook equips readers with everything you need to know about this silent killer, including information on who is at risk, who should be tested, the pros and cons of available treatments, and more.

    Howard J. Worman, M.D., is an associate professor of medicine and anatomy and cell biology at Columbia University. He is also an associate attending physician and director of the Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases of the Medical Service of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia-Presbyterian Center.

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine or Nutritional Ergogenic Aids

    Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine

    Author: Karin Kraft

    There is an herbal remedy for most ailments—and you will find the most important ones in this concise pocket guide. Co-authored by Karin Kraft, one of the members of the German Commission E, and Christopher Hobbs, a renowned North-American herbalist, this handy pocket guide gives you the decisive facts about important medicinal herbs, taking into consideration both major European monographs (Commission E and ESCOP) and up-to-date clinical trials. The book goes on to inform the reader on the usage of herbal remedies for a number of common indications.

    The book gives first-hand, easy to access information on the administration of herbal remedies for the medical practitioner and herbal therapist alike. Profit from the wealth of German tradition, extended by North American experience in the usage of herbal medicines.

    Go to: La Salud en la Mujer or Behind the Smile

    Nutritional Ergogenic Aids

    Author: Ira Wolinsky

    Nutritional Ergogenic Aids provides an up-to-date review of what is hypothetical and what is known about the most extensively used nutritional ergogenic aids; dietary supplements to enhance physical and athletic performance. Among the 23 aids discussed are branched-chain amino acids, carnitine, creatine, glucosamine, chrondroitin sulfate, taurine, biocarbonates, and ginseng. Research conducted primarily with data available from human studies is analyzed and discussed. The book presents information and guidelines on safe use and provides a scientific basis regarding the benefits, shortcomings, and usefulness of nutritional ergogenic aids.

    Table of Contents:
    Pt. IIntroduction
    1Nutritional ergogenic aids : introduction, definitions and regulatory issues3
    Pt. IIAmino acid derivatives
    4Branched-chain amino acids47
    8Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate115
    12Ornithine, ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate and taurine197
    Pt. IIILipid derivatives
    13Conjugated linoleic acid209
    14Medium-chain triglycerides and glycerol221
    15Wheat germ oil and octacosanol247
    Pt. IVOther substances in foods not classified as essential
    16Buffers : bicarbonate, citrate and phosphate257
    19Coenzyme Q[subscript 10]355
    21Lipoic acid411
    22Myo-inositol and pangamic acid431
    23Pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone445
    Pt. VEvaluation of effectiveness
    25Systematic and critical evaluation of benefits and possible risks of nutritional ergogenic acids469
    Pt. VISummary
    26Summary and implications - nutritional ergogenic aids507

    Sunday, February 8, 2009

    Tai Chi Chi Kung or Punch Your Way to Fitness

    T'ai Chi Chi Kung: 15 Ways to a Happier You

    Author: Peter Chin Kean Choy

    Tai-Chi Chi Kung teaches the beginner - adult and child - how to develop both the roots and the trunk of this tree, through an understanding of Tai-Chi and Chi Kung. The aim is to achieve a balance of heart, body, mind and spirit, promoting self-esteem and self-development in a happier and healthier body.

    Book about: Digital Video or Oracle PL SQL For Dummies

    Punch Your Way to Fitness: How to use focus pads and punchbags to achieve your best ever fitness level

    Author: Ian Oliver

    Focus pad and bag work is increasingly popular, but often people don't know how to get the most from it. Worse, people can get injured if they don't know how to punch. Veteran boxing trainer Ian Oliver teaches technique, skills, and drills to get you fighting fit.

    Friday, February 6, 2009

    Scentsational Weight Loss or The Basics of Strength Training

    Scentsational Weight Loss: At Last a New Easy Natural Way to Control Your Appetite

    Author: Alan R Hirsch

    The dismal truth is, diets don't work! What's more, most people don't know that their failure to lose weight and keep it off is not their fault. In this revolutionary new book, Dr. Alan R. Hirsch reveals his findings that show why we overeat and how we can break the patterns that lead to excess weight. His "scentsational" discoveries are presented in simple terms everyone can understand and use to help break the patterns of a lifetime.

    Look this: The Dittoheads Guide to Adult Beverages or Fish for Thought

    The Basics of Strength Training

    Author: John M Cissik

    This book is broken up into several sections: background information which includes information on the science behind strength training, its benefits, and safety information. It provides extensive information on setting up strength training programs; including components of a strength training workout, principles/concepts in program design, and periodization. The last two thirds of the book focuses on describing how to perform the basic exercises. Information includes technique, common errors, spotting, what muscles are trained, etc. Each exercise is extensively photographed. This text covers the following exercises: the squat and its variations, lower extremity exercises, the bench press and its variations, chest exercises, shoulder exercises, upper back exercises, arm exercises, core (ab/lower back) exercises, the deadlift and its variations, the power clean and its variations, the power jerk and its variations, and the power snatch and its variations.

    Table of Contents:

    Thursday, February 5, 2009

    What to Do when the Power Fails or Stress and Coping in Autism

    What to Do When the Power Fails: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-191

    Author: Mary Twitchell

    Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

    Table of Contents:


    Before the Power Fails

    Know Your Plumbing

    Electrical Preparedness

    Gather Food and Supplies

    Cooking Alternatives

    Drinking Water Safety and Storage

    Let There Be Lights

    Keeping Warm

    Fire Precautions

    Contact with the Outside World


    Steps to Take during a Blackout

    Protect Your Heating System

    Water Concerns



    Safety Tips

    When Power is Restored

    Turning the Heat Back On



    Types of Generators

    What Size Do You Need?

    More Buying Tips






    Go to: Marx for Beginners or Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey

    Stress and Coping in Autism

    Author: Groden Center

    This important volume provides a theoretical framework for the usefulness of the stress construct in understanding and treating autism. Contributions by researchers, clinicians, teachers and persons living with autism illustrate how stress influences the lives of persons with autism; how those touched by autism cope with stress; and how clinicians, teachers and caregivers can reduce the impact of stress in autism.
    The authors explore how stress contributes to the physiological, psychological, and overt behavioral manifestations of autism. Narratives by individuals with autism, family members, clinicians, and a musician help the reader to understand in a rich and unique way the role and impact stress can have in the life of people living with autism and also highlight creative coping strategies over a lifetime. Clinicians and educators offer a range of intervention and instructional strategies to reduce stress and to prevent or alleviate anxiety and other disruptive responses inherent in autism. This volume's biological, psychological and social perspectives on stress and autism reflect many modes of inquiry and types of information. Stress, Coping and Autism will be of great help to mental health professionals, researchers and caregivers alike.

    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    What Your Doctor and Your Pastor Want You to Know about Depression or The Stuntwomans Workout

    What Your Doctor and Your Pastor Want You to Know about Depression

    Author: R Lanny Hunter

    "Dr. Lanny Hunter and Rev. Victor L. Hunter write from the perspectives of their two disciplines (medicine and theology) to offer hope and guidance for the fight against depression. These brothers and coauthors draw on their own experiences of suffering from and surviving depression, their extensive research, personal reflection, and years of clinical and pastoral practice to offer a resource that fully integrates the medical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological understandings of depression." Treating depression is not a choice between medication, psychotherapy, counseling, or faithful prayer. Recovering from this devastating disease is a collaborative process between patient, physician, psychologist, spiritual director, family, and friends. A person suffering from depression must have courage, must have patience, and must have help. What Your Doctor and Your Pastor Want You to Know about Depression will help you find the help you need, not just to treat depression, but to treat the person with depression.

    Book about: 20 Common Problems or Indian Head Massage

    The Stuntwoman's Workout: Get Your Body Ready for Anything

    Author: Danielle Burgio

    To perform the dangerous, awe-inspiring stunts and daring feats for Hollywood's top action movies, stuntwoman Danielle Burgio needs to stay in peak physical condition. Now she shares the exclusive fitness program that allows her to meet any challenge on the big screen and in real life. This full-color fitness book provides a comprehensive workout that shows regular people how to get in action-star shape. You'll learn to: - Shed pounds with cardio exercises and muscle toning.- Strengthen your body with martial arts and gymnastics.- Increase focus, flexibility, and coordination with exercises that promote total body awareness and overall wellness.- Energize workouts with speed and endurance exercises.With more than 50 exercises that build strength, concentration, and well-being, The Stuntwoman's Workout is your ultimate guide to staying fit—and embracing a life full of action.

    Author Biography: Danielle Burgio is a longtime Hollywood stuntwoman who has worked on The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolution, Daredevil, Pearl Harbor, Blade, Angel, Birds of Prey, Crossing Jordan, Monster-in-Law, Will & Grace, and other TV shows and movies. She lives in Los Angeles. Jennifer Worick is co-author of The Action Heroine's Handbook. She lives in Philadelphia.

    Tuesday, February 3, 2009

    Dining with the Duchess or 100 Questions and Answers about High Blood Pressure

    Dining with the Duchess: Making Everyday Meals a Special Occasion

    Author: Sarah Ferguson

    Straight from the kitchen of the world's most famous Weight Watchers member, Sarah, The Duchess of York, come over 125 easy-to-prepare, guilt-free, mouthwatering recipes.

    Once harshly scrutinized by the unyielding glare of the media, The Duchess has come into her own as a chic, slimmed-down single mother with a new and exciting career. With her weight woes well behind her, she truly has become a role model for anyone who wishes to turn his or her life around. In fact, her triumph over adversity is just one reason why she is the perfect Weight Watchers member. Dining with The Duchess is a unique collaboration, combining the Duchess's taste and style with the culinary and dietary expertise of Weight Watchers.

    Organized into full menus to make planning any meal a breeze, each recipe includes these very special features:

    * Weight Watchers revolutionary POINTS® food system from the 1•2•3 Success® Weight Loss Plan

    * Basic nutritional breakdown important to any dieter

    * Helpful cooking hints and tips on presentation

    * No complicated counting and no forbidden foods

    Whether for a simple weeknight dinner or an elegant holiday feast, these menus make everyday meals a fine dining experience. Dining with The Duchess is the perfect cookbook for anyone who wants to prepare light, healthy, and delectable meals with distinction and flair.

    Publishers Weekly

    The author, the former wife of Britain's Prince Andrew and mother of two children, is an official spokesperson for Weight Watchers. When she was a royal, the Duchess's problems with weight were widely publicized. Attributing her success at weight loss to Weight Watchers (and friends), she adds personal narratives to 125 recipes that mix healthful eating and good taste with considerable panache. Arranged in menus (e.g., Cocktails at Six, A Simple Pasta Dinner, Holiday Buffet), a few suggestions are unexceptional (Genoa Canaps, slices of salami and mustard on party rye; Baby Lamb Chops broiled with garlic and salt). Many, however, yield appealing, uncomplicated fat-reduced dishes: a rolled Turkey Breast with Cremini Mushrooms and Leeks; Risotto di Pavia with asparagus, sherry, shallots and Parmesan cheese; Individual Ginger-Peach Souffle made with dried peaches and egg whites.

    Convenience sometimes reigns (Celebration Birthday Cake uses a reduced-fat cake mix and canned frosting). But most recipes, sprinkled with suggestions for serving and substitutions, call for a reasonable number of fresh ingredients that can be combined in straightforward techniques. All come with nutritional analyses and points, the Weight Watchers unit of measurement. The Duchess's commentary is somewhat self-absorbed but will undoubtedly interest readers who follow the royals.

    Library Journal

    More dieting with Fergie.

    Table of Contents:



    A Weekend Lunch with Friends

    Classic Bloody Marys Genoa Canapés Classic Vegetable Frittata Baked Chicken with Wine Light Cheese Popovers Ginger Pears Mulled Peaches

    Writer's Respite

    Ginger-Carrot Soup Spinach Salad with Tangy Orange Dressing Crusty Bread Vanilla-Poached Fruit Pot of Tea

    A Highlands Picnic

    Easy Cream of Tomato Soup Mediterranean Tuna Salad Mesquite Chicken Salad Honey-Orange Biscotti Fuji and Granny Smith Apples

    After-Workout Reviver

    Red Snapper Primavera Lemon Capellini Fresh Mesclun with Basic Vinaigrette

    Quick and Easy Family Dinner

    Steak Frites Corn Salsa Cucumber Relish Minted Zucchini Frozen Yogurt Sundaes

    Sunday Night Supper

    Cider Pork Chops Ginger Pear and Apple Sauce Stuffed Sweet Dumpling Squash Parsley Rice Angel Food Cake with Lemon Curd

    A Tuscan Dinner

    Crock of Italian Olives Warm White Bean Salad Lemon Chicken Steamed Broccoli Spicy Polenta Bittersweet Fruit

    A Working Mother's Lunch

    Gorgonzola and Pear Pizza Arugula and Watercress Salad Fresh Tangerines

    Supper after a Horseback Ride

    Sun-Dried Tomato and Smoked Mozzarella Crostini Fennel and Blood Orange Salad with Sweet OnionsA Casual Weeknight Supper

    Chicken Calvados Oven-Roasted Root Vegetables Peppered Parsley Noodles Parmesan-Baked Asparagus

    Holiday Buffet

    Mediterranean Tian Proven&ccedl;al Beef Tenderloin Turkey Breast with Cremini Mushrooms and Leeks Risotto di Pavia Venetian Radicchio AssortedBreads Blueberry Zabaglione

    Traveler's Repast

    Citrus Red Snapper Baked Potato Crunchy Fennel Salad Pears with Peppered Goat Cheese Pot of Herbal Tea

    Gardener's Supper

    Twenty-Minute Minestrone Stuffed Baby Eggplant Lemon Couscous Asparagus Vinaigrette with Parmesan and Prosciutto Raspberries with Citrus Sauce

    A Provençal Feast

    Mediterranean Fisherman's Stew Tarte Provençale Crusty Baguette Assorted Cheese and Fruit Platter

    A Simple Pasta Dinner

    Linguine Riviera Roasted Pepper Salad Fresh Fig and Pear Plate

    A Quiet New Year's Eve Celebration

    Red Potatoes with Caviar and Cheese Tricolor Salad with Gorgonzola Dressing Lamb Chops with Mint Salsa Orzo Pilaf Individual Ginger-Peach Soufflés

    A Birthday Gala

    Dilly Dip and Vegetables Honey-Dipped Crunchy Chicken Nuggets Celebration Birthday Cake Sugar Cookies Chocolate-Coconut Fruit Kebabs Strawberry Lemonade

    Saturday Night Supper and Videos

    Tuscan Soup Mixed Green Salad with Orange Dressing Balsamic Strawberries

    Après-Ski Lunch

    Mushroom-Caraway Soup Crunchy Sesame Chicken Salad with Ginger Dressing Cinnamon-Nut Baked Apples with Maple Glaze Espresso with Kahlúa Cream

    An American Barbecue

    Cowboy Beans Rainbow Cole Slaw Roasted Corn on the Cob with Cilantro Butter Barbecue Beef Sandwiches Zesty Barbecue Sauce Sandies Iced Tea

    An Ideal Breakfast

    Summer Fruit Salad Whole-Wheat Toast with Marmalade The Perfect Pot of Tea

    Cocktails at Six

    Parmesan Cheese Straws Not-So-Devilish Deviled Eggs Saucisson en Croûte Dumplings with Ginger Dipping Sauce Spiced Olives with Lemon and Fennel

    A Formal Luncheon

    Sesame Breadsticks Roast Chicken and Chutney Tea Sandwiches Minted Carrot Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Orange Tea Biscuits with Citrus Glaze Chocolate Profiteroles Kir Royales

    An Argentinean Feast

    Turkey Empanadas Roasted Pork Loin Baby Lamb Chops Classic Roast Beef Quinoa Salad Shoestring Beets and Arugula Salad Tarragon Vinaigrette Alfajores

    A Perfect Picnic

    Chilled Honeydew Soup Spinach Chicken Salad Tomato Parmesan Toasts Mixed Berry Turnovers

    A Winter Weekend Supper

    Rosemary Roast Chicken Herbed Parmesan Biscuits Radicchio Salad Crumbled Parmesan Vinaigrette Strawberry-Rhubarb Compote

    A Poolside Lunch

    Watermelon Slush Summer Vegetable Salad with Sirloin Tips Spicy Pita Chips Fresh Blueberries with Sliced Mango and Kiwi

    Afternoon Tea

    Open-Face Ham Sandwiches Cucumber Sandwiches Blackberry Scones Almond Biscotti Pear-Port Quick Bread Chocolate Mousse Tartlets

    A Girlfriends' Get-Together

    Roast Chicken Salad (with Afghani bread)

    Beet and Apple "Napoleon"


    A Midday Snack

    Assorted Breadsticks Parma Ham and Honeydew Wedges with Parmesan Shavings Platter of Crudités White Bean-Basil Dip Roasted Red Pepper Dip

    Wining and Dining


    See also: Gestion des Rapports de Client :un Cadre Stratégique

    100 Questions and Answers about High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

    Author: Raymond R Townsend

    High blood pressure is a serious health condition affecting one in every four adults in this country. Hypertension can damage blood vessels and eventually lead to stroke, heart failure, heart attack, kidney failure, and vision problems. Whether you're a newly diagnosed patient or are a friend or relative of someone suffering from high blood pressure, this book offers help. The only text available to provide both the doctor's and patient's views, 100 Questions & Answers About High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions. Written by an expert on the subject, with "insider" commentary from actual patients, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone struggling with the medical, psychological, or emotional turmoil of this condition.

    Monday, February 2, 2009

    Tattooed Women or Jenny Craig Story

    Tattooed Women

    Author: Spider Webb

    Here's a chance to ogle the women who paved the way, tattooing themselves and baring their chests when the "good girls" were wearing poodle skirts and heading off to sock hops. Imagine your grandma like this! These women lived counter-culture lives. This book exposes a culture that, even in 1982 when it was first released, was totally shocking. Now it returns as a tribute to the pioneers, the visionaries who saw their bodies as works of art, and were brave enough to share them with the rest of us.

    Read also Couples Confronting Cancer or Bone Breath Gesture

    Jenny Craig Story: How One Woman Changes Millions of Lives

    Author: Jenny Craig

    "A fascinating insight into the world of big business and how a little Cajun girl from New Orleans can achieve great success in this country."

    —Dick Van Patten, actor (Eight Is Enough)

    "Jenny Craig's story is a splendid example of what can be accomplished in our entrepreneurial society with dedication and hard work. Jenny's spirit, determination, and focus on providing service to her clients enabled her to create a leading weight-control company and help millions of people. Her journey is an American success story."

    —Steven N. Blair, President and CEO, The Cooper Institute

    "Jenny Craig is a pioneer in delivering nutritious, portion-controlled food, now recognized as one of the most powerful dietary weight-loss tools, in the context of a comprehensive program to change one's lifestyle. The story of her success in building a multinational weight-management program can serve as an inspiration to other women (and men) who have the capacity for the hard work needed to carry their creative ideas to fruition. This is a book well worth reading."

    —Frank Greenway, MD, Medical Director and Professor Pennington Biomedical Research Center

    "Reading the story of Jenny Craig's personal journey is a truly inspirational experience. Her persistence and adaptation to change in all aspects of her life, ranging from her personal relationships and professional activities to coping with health problems in later years, provide an exemplary model of self-actualization and compassion for others."

    —G. Alan Marlatt, PhD, Director, Addictive Behaviors Research Center Professor of Psychology, University of Washington

    Sunday, February 1, 2009

    Wild Roots or I Want to Live

    Wild Roots: A Forager's Guide to the Edible & Medicinal Roots, Tubers, Corms, & Rhizomes of North America

    Author: Doug Elliott

    For more than two decades Doug Elliot has wandered the fields, forests, and marshlands of North America gathering roots and herbs, and plant lore. A labor of love, Wild Roots is filled with practical information, extraordinary drawings and lively commentary, and offers a wealth of information about the roots, rhizomes, and tubers of North America.

    Winter, 1998/99 - Natural Farmer

    A wealth of information about almost sixty roots of North American plants. . . . It, altogether, is a thought-provoking little book, obviously a labor of love.

    Table of Contents:

    Wild Roots
    A Forager's Guide to the Edible and Medicinal Roots, Tubers, Corms, and Rhizomes of North America

    The Beginning of the Book
    Plant Names
    Dilution and Evolution
    Scenery Beneath the Greenery
    Machinery Beneath the Greenery
    1.  Roots of Shade-Loving Forest Plants
    2.  Roots of Sun-Loving Field Plants
    3.  Roots of Aquatic and Marsh Plants
    4.  Other Roots

    See also: Compelled to Excel or Markets in Motion

    I Want to Live: Gastric Bypass Reversal

    Author: Dani Hart

    In this compelling account, Dani Hart takes you on her journey through Weight Loss surgery (the gastric bypass) and back again. A page turner, you will find it hard to put down as it gives another view of the popular and controversial surgery for obesity, a side of the surgery not often discussed.

    As you read, you will laugh, you will cry, you will be shocked, and you will be charmed. But most of all, you will be very inspired by Dani's courage and joyful nature. Dani speaks honestly and candidly about her experience and includes some interesting research material, as well as short accounts of other patients who have had problems with this surgery.

    A must read for anyone considering this serious life changing decision, or for anyone who knows someone considering this surgery.

    Over 94,000 bariatric procedures were preformed in 2002, and more than 140,000 expected for 2003. This surgery will touch many lives, not only the patient, but also family and friends.

    About the author:
    Dani is a college educated woman with her own business. She has been interviewed for several articles and appeared on national television to discuss the pros and cons of gastric bypass surgery.
    Dani has been married to her husband for 28 years and has twin sons. She is also an identical twin. Dani's sisters, brothers and mother support her decision to come forward in telling her experience with the weight loss surgery and its' reversal.
    Although Dani is a very private person she felt it was important to tell what she went through with the surgery in order to inform others about the risks of the weight loss surgery and what does go wrong. She knew there were others like herself that suffered in silence with their complications and wanted to reach out to them.
    Dani answers letters and phone calls on a daily basis from people seeking help, understanding, and compassion relating to weight loss surgery (WLS).
    For over 24 years Dani has been a practitioner of the healing arts. She shares her knowledge of her Native American spirituality with those who wish to learn more about the 'red path' and the ways of the Goddess Mother Earth.
    Dani loves to learn and is a determined person to make positive changes in her life. She encourages others to follow their hearts and to realize the gifts they have within are special.